• Minimum 12 players
  • 4 – 10 x 10 yard boxes
  • 1 player from each team in each box.
  • The aim is to transfer the ball from one end to the other, players on the outside stay outside and players on the inside stay inside, switch after every block you play. For example 4 x 3 min games, switch over every 3 mins.
  • The players play 1v1 in each square and can transfer the ball from anywhere in the boxes to the opposite end of the game.
  • If the opposition win the ball they can play in whatever direction they want first, but then must try to play forwards to the targets.
  • To progress allow the players to switch squares (rotate) vertical, horizontal or diagonal rotation is encouraged.
  • This will work the players tactical knowledge and allow alot of coaching around the timing and angles of movement.
  • This will develop the players – passing and receiving skills, shielding, movement and awareness.
  • You can add rules such as limited touches on the outside, extra points if they skip the first two squares and pass into the higher ones.